Women’s Health

  • Delivery preparation including pelvic floor relaxation and push prep, perineal massage education, safe exercise programming during pregnancy, Diastasis recti maintenance, pelvic and back pain, urinary incontinence

  • C-section scar mobilization, episiotomy or tearing scar mobilization, core and/or pelvic floor strengthening, diastasis recti, incontinence, prolapse, pain in spine and hips, nursing body mechanics, lifting/carrying body mechanics, return to exercise and return to run programming

  • Endometriosis, painful menstruation, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse or gynecologic exams, urinary incontinence and urge

  • Safe and effective exercise programming during your pregnancy with a custom program based on how your body is feeling and the trimester you are in. Exercise programs to assist in regaining strength and grade back into your exercise goals postpartum.

  • Learn about pelvic floor health, healthy movement patterns during pregnancy, birth preparation education, and breathwork. Customized, evidenced-based prenatal and postpartum exercise programs via the Vibrant Coast PT App. Return to exercise assessment.


  • Assessment of movement patterns, strength, and joint and tissue mobility to find the root cause of your pain so you can move your body in all the ways you enjoy.

    Low back pain, Neck pain, TMJ Dysfunction, headaches, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and ankle/foot pain.

  • Optimize movement patterns and build strength for a resilient body

  • Evidenced based strength and conditioning to optimize your performance in your sport or hobby.


  • Assessment and treatment of various neurologic disorders including MS, GBS, Post-Stroke, and migraines and headaches.

  • Comprehensive assessment and treatment of post-concussion symptoms.

  • Assessment and treatment of central and peripheral vestibular disorders including BPPV.


  • Assessment of body mechanics for an optimal, pain-free golf swing and a custom program to address deficits.

  • Evaluation of the positioning at your desk/workstation, the movements your job requires, and your habits throughout the workday. Receive suggestions for your workstation, habits to implement, and a mobility routine custom to you.

  • In person and online strength training programs for all levels of fitness to reach your goals whether it be to lose weight, excel in your sport, or build muscle to feel good.

Schedule now and jumpstart your healing.